Monday, February 05, 2007

Harry Potter and The Deathly Gallows

So finally the suspense of the waiting game is nearing its culmination, with the last final book of the Harry Potter series, being announced for a July-2007 release.

Titled Harry Potter and the Deathly Gallows, it is little wonder that it is going to be a cliff hanger, and hopefully the best book of the Harry Potter series, given that J.K. Rowling has only improved with each word.

It is going to be a gripping experience, and few shall dare to breathe while reading it. [Sincerely not reccomended for the weak of heart who have been unfortunately following the adventures of Harry Potter]!

I suggest you pre-order your copies asap, if you are a fanatic.

Can't wait...and am sure neither can you! Especially after the enthralling suspense she left us with the ending of the previous book and the controversy about the death (or the lach thereof), of Albus Dumbledore...the only wizard known of whom he-who-must-not-be-named was afraid.


Blogger Rohit Nag said...

wow.... it has been long since i came to this blog.... i am sure everyone is eagerly waiting for the last of the series... but its also sad that after this, there will be none.

February 05, 2007 7:35 pm  
Blogger Prateek said...

Yeah this blog's been in hibernation for too long. I was making a round of a few HP sites today to get back some of the Harry Potter fever and even as I'm dreading the fact that there's not going to be a Book 8, I was a little intrigued when I read on Jo's site that there'll still be a lot to argue and speculate about after book 7.

February 10, 2007 7:19 am  
Blogger Prateek said...

Oh and the title's HP and the Deathly Hallows, not Gallows!

February 10, 2007 7:21 am  
Blogger V said...

Ah. Sorry for that blunder there, Prateek.
Oh, and secondly, there is one thing...That link Crotchets & Quavers has been defunct for a long time.
I had shifted out to sometime last year!?

I can't edit the template as am not the admin so please update that link...

February 22, 2007 10:47 am  
Blogger V said...

Ah. Sorry for that blunder there, Prateek.
Oh, and secondly, there is one thing...That link Crotchets & Quavers has been defunct for a long time.
I had shifted out to sometime last year!?

I can't edit the template as am not the admin so please update that link...

February 22, 2007 11:03 am  

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