Saturday, June 30, 2007

Deathly Hallows discussions

MTV conducted this roundtable discussion on a few of the big questions that are going to be answered by Book 7. Have a look at all the three videos, there are some clever points raised.

Will Harry live or die?
Which side is Snape on?
Is Harry a Horcrux?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Traingle symbol

Yet another appearance of the triangle symbol, this time behind the door on

Update : Beyond Hogwarts discusses the symbol in great detail.

Friday, June 08, 2007

More Deathly Hallows Cover Art!

I was just about to go to sleep when I opened and saw that Scholastic had released another cover art for the Deathly Hallows—the one for the deluxe edition of the American Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

"Set during a highly dramatic sunset, Harry, Hermione, and Ron--clothes in tatters--cling atop a flying dragon in this astonishing artwork created by Mary GrandPré for the deluxe edition. As mist creeps down towering hillsides to a village below, questions arise about where the trio is headed and what has led them to this spellbinding moment."

When the hell did they start flying on dragons! Last I remember about 12 wizards were needed to control one of them. And which village is that—Hogsmead, Little Hangleton, Godric's Hollow (I doubt) or is it one we don't know of yet? But I guess the bigger question is how they landed themselves in this situation seeing as they're clearly not headed for that village. Ron and Hermione appear to be what I'm assuming are their school robes whereas Harry isn't. It looks like they're headed somewhere rather than fleeing their place of departure but then why are their clothes in tatters? Maybe that was the dragon's doing but you never know!

Boy oh boy, this is starting to get out of hand for me.

C'mon people, speculate in the comments – you know you wanna say something!

Update:I'm pretty sure the village is neither Hogsmead not Hangleton cause there's a river flowing right next to it. River...hmm..Spinner's End...nah wasn't in a hilly area, well not in my imagination atleast.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Order of the Phoenix - The movie

I downloaded the 720p High Definition Trailer 2 of HP and OoTP yesterday. You've just gotta love the quality of these hi-def videos. Here are a few shots from the trailers that I found interesting.

This is one of my favourite shots from the trailer - Harry imagining Voldie at 9¾.

I'm not sure what this is supposed to be but I guess its Azkaban. The art on the side of Bloomsbury's children's edition of Deathly Hallows is strangely similar. Coincidence? I think not.

The Hall of Prophecies - looks good but a bit over done according to me. I'd imagined the shelves to be only slightly taller than an average human / wizard.

The Ministry of Magic - not quite what was on the back cover of Bloomsbury's children's edition of OoTP but I think it looks brilliant!

Ofcourse all images are copyright and property of Warner Bros. Studios etc.