Ok, first of all thanks to the blog owners for letting me put my 3 cents!
After the HBP, one of the hottest topics in Harry Potter, and the subsequent wait before the next release, is, obviously the death of Albus Dumbledore.
There are 1001 reasons, philosophies, and arguments pertaining to the nature of his death, *ahem*, and some, pertaining to the very fact whether he did "Die" or not.
There are many a reasons associated with that topic.I am going to lend one here as an example:
Extreme stress has been laid down upon the usage of non-verbal spells in this book, and they have been mentioned now and again in the previous one too.
So one speculation is, that while Snape carried out the "Avade Kedavra" spell, he accompanied that with a completely opposite non verbal spell, to counter the effect, and highly limit it[ of avada kedavra].
Also, in a previous book, Harry was told by Bellatrix Lestrange, in the Hall of Prophecies, that the unforgivable curses are not so lightly used.You really have to mean them, you really have to want to hurt the other person, when you use them.
So maybe Snape didn't
mean the curse much, and therefore the net resultant curse, kind of stupefied Dumbledore, and also injured him to an extent.
This has been explained IN MUCH MORE DETAIL AND ALONG WITH MANY MORE PROOFS, at this web site: